It is a shame to call CPD a think tank when it comes out late after devastation


CPD is not still ready to blame the government for corruption and absence of political leadership. According to CPD, it is the bureaucracy that is responsible for corruption and inefficiency. The people knew long before that we do not have elected government and the bureaucracy managing the election for carrying out robbery.

The bureaucrats are the masters of the politicians and the system of government has been broken. That is what the bureaucrats do best. But what the people do not understand is why elections are held and stolen to show we have a political government.

It is a shame to call CPD a think tank when thinking or education has no place in running the government. It is too late to hold bureaucracy for all the failures and miseries.

Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD) depicted that 68 per cent people complained about high levels of corruption, 67 per cent about inefficient bureaucracy and 56 per cent about the limited access to funds as the major problematic factors.


Inadequate infrastructure, policy instability, weak health system, high tax rate and complex tax regulations were among the top ten problematic factors. Businessmen’s perception about infrastructure has improved as it was the fourth important factor in the survey. It used to be the top or second most problematic factor previously, largely because of the recent development in roads, bridges, ports, electricity, gas, rail, and water supply. Fast-track projects for large-scale infrastructure development could contribute to improving the business environment. Furthermore, 45 per cent of the businessmen perceived businesses would require more than three years to recover from the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. As part of the recovery mechanism, businesses have adopted various strategies with 28 per cent of them having taken cost-cutting measures. Businessmen are concerned about the quality of services of law enforcement agencies. About 63.9 per cent of businessmen opined that there is a dearth of transparency in the services provided by law enforcement agencies. The think-tank said Bangladesh needs to be cautious about digital inequality by ensuring easy access and low-cost facilities for all categories of people.

When government system of control is totally lost CPD is wisely telling about the needs to follow market-based approaches in the case of administered utility and energy markets.

We don’t need hypocritical thinking tank leaking everywhere. Corruption and not thinking are necessary in running government in Bangladesh. The image is that our opportunist educated ones are happy to live with lies as long as corruption is free.

The present government is more about posters and billboards than it is about efficiency and truth.
