Israeli air strike kills child in Gaza

Israeli military said it carried out four strikes on Hamas bases in the Gaza Strip in response to rocket fire into Israel .
Israeli military said it carried out four strikes on Hamas bases in the Gaza Strip in response to rocket fire into Israel .
AFP, Gaza City :
Israeli planes struck Hamas bases in the Gaza Strip early Saturday, killing a child living near one of the targets and injuring his sister, Gaza health ministry spokesman Ashraf al-Qudra said.
Yasin Abu Khussa, 10, died in a raid on a base of the group’s military wing, the Ezzedine al-Qassem Brigades, at Beit Lahiya in the north of the strip, he said — one of four strikes the Israeli military said it carried out in response to rocket fire into Israel.
His sister Yasmin, 6, was seriously wounded and his brother Ayub, 13, suffered moderate injuries, al-Qudra told AFP.
The strikes came hours after four rockets fired from the Gaza Strip by Palestinian militants hit neighbouring Israel Friday night without apparent casualties, the Israeli army said.
“In response to the aggression, the Israel Air Force targeted four Hamas sites in the northern Gaza Strip,” a military statement said.
“There have been seven rockets fired at Israel from the Gaza Strip since the beginning of the year.”
Since the end of the devastating war between Israel and Gaza militants in summer 2014, approximately 34 projectiles fired from the Hamas-controlled Palestinian coastal strip have hit the Jewish state, according to military data.
Sunni Muslim militants claiming links to the Islamic State jihadist group have said they were behind rocket fire in recent months, but Israel holds Hamas responsible for all such incidents.
Meanwhile, Israeli forces have raided the West Bank offices of Palestine Today television and arrested its manager over allegations of inciting violence, Israel’s Shin Bet internal security agency said on Friday.
The overnight operation targeting the station’s Ramallah offices was the latest attempt to silence Palestinian broadcasters Israel believes are fuelling a five-month wave of violence.
The Shin Bet charged that the channel “broadcasts on behalf of the Islamic Jihad” militant group and said it had closed it in a joint operation with the army.
“The channel served the Islamic Jihad as a central means to incite the West Bank population, calling for terror attacks against Israel and its citizens.
Incitement was broadcast on the television station as well as the Internet,” it said in a statement.