Israel hits Syrian military targets after stray fire on Golan

Israeli tanks maneuver during a military exercise in the Israeli-annexed Golan Heights near the border with Syria.
Israeli tanks maneuver during a military exercise in the Israeli-annexed Golan Heights near the border with Syria.

AFP, Jerusalem :
The Israeli army attacked two Syrian military targets on the Golan Heights after stray Syrian fire damaged the security fence along the demarcation line, a spokeswoman said Monday.
“In response to errant fire yesterday from Syria that hit the border with Israel, damaging the security fence, the IDF (Israeli Defence Forces) responded and targeted two Syrian military targets in the central Golan Heights,” an Israeli military spokeswoman told AFP.
While Israel has sought to avoid being dragged into the Syrian civil war, it has attacked Syrian military targets when fire from the conflict spills over into its territory.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also acknowledged in April that Israel had attacked dozens of convoys transporting weapons in Syria destined for its enemy Hezbollah.
Israel seized 1,200 square kilometres (460 square miles) of the Golan Heights from Syria in the Six-Day War of 1967 and later annexed it in a move never recognised by the international community.
Meanwhile, Israel has approved 560 new homes for the West Bank settlement of Maale Adumim, a spokesman for the settlement said Monday, in a move likely to further raise tensions following a series of Palestinian attacks.
The Maale Adumim mayor was on Sunday night officially informed of the decision by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman to allow the planning of the homes in the settlement east of Jerusalem, the spokesman told AFP.
The decision follows calls among Israelis for a harsh response to a series of Palestinian attacks against Israelis in recent days.
According to media reports, Netanyahu also gave approval for the planning of 240 new homes in east Jerusalem settlement neighbourhoods, as well as for 600 units for Palestinians in the city’s Beit Safafa district.
The offices of Netanyahu and Lieberman refused to comment on the reports of the approvals for homes in east Jerusalem or Maale Adumim.
Recent attacks have included Thursday’s fatal stabbing of 13-year-old Israeli-American Hallel Yaffa Ariel in the settlement of Kiryat Arba on the outskirts of the West Bank city of Hebron.
She was killed by a 19-year-old Palestinian, who was then shot dead by a security guard.
A day after Thursday’s attack, 48-year-old Israeli Michael Mark was killed after his car was fired on by a suspected Palestinian gunman south of Hebron.
Israel on Friday announced a lockdown in Hebron and a reduction in monthly tax payments to the Palestinian Authority after the attacks.
