ISPAB, COAB withdraw strike


Staff Reporter :
The Internet Service Providers Association of Bangladesh (ISPAB) and Cable Operators Association of Bangladesh (COAB) have withdrawn their decision suspending internet and connection of cable television for three hours every day from today.
The decision was taken on Saturday evening, after an emergency meeting with Posts and Telecommunications Minister Mustafa Jabbar.
The Minister met the meeting with leaders of the Internet Service Providers Association of Bangladesh (ISPAB) and the Cable Operators Association of Bangladesh (COAB).
Earlier, Internet Service Providers of the country (ISPAB and COAB) took decision to shutdown internet and connection of cable television for three hours every day protesting the Dhaka South City Corporation’s (DSCC’s) recent steps to remove overhead cables from today.
In the meantime, internet service providers of different areas have been informing the customers through SMS and e-mail by their mobile phones.
Even the parents of students of different schools of the capital city have become very anxious about their children, education and future after getting such news from internet service providers.
Because at present all classes and exams are depended on online service by the internet. In this case, broadband connection is one of the reliable sources of hope. Besides, mobile internet is not readily available and network speed is not stable.
However, experts said it is not a logical solution to remove the hanging cable worth crores of taka without prior notice and proper steps.
