ISP delegates in city


Campus Report :

A delegation from International Science Program (ISP) lead by Prof Peter Sundin, Director of ISP, Upsala University, Sweden visited Daffodil International University (DIU) recently. During their visit they hold a meeting with the top management of DIU where Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman, Board of Trustees, and Prof Dr M Lutfar Rahman, Vice Chancellor of DIU and Prof Nilufer Nahar, Chairperson, Dept of Chemistry, University of Dhaka were present with other distinguished guests and faculty members.
Md. Sabur Khan welcomed the guests to DIU and wished for more collaboration and possibilities like research activities, student exchange, joint degree program, cross cultural education, especially in the research field of science and herbal medicine.
Since 2013, Daffodil International University is working with ISP for grant project on higher education and research development.
To find out chemical and biological contaminants present in the herbal medicines and their probable adverse effect on human health, Daffodil International University is already offering M Phil and PhD fellowship under the project entitled “Studies on Safety, Efficacy and Adverse Health Effects of Herbal Formulations of Bangladesh” funded by ISP and supported by Uppsala University, Sweden.
Under the supervision of Dr Md Rausan Zamir, Assistant Professor, Department of Natural Science, DIU students having MS/M.Sc. degree in Chemistry, Biochemistry, Applied Chemistry, Pharmacy, Food and Nutrition and Microbiology are completing fellowship under the project.
