Islamis parties’ hartal passes off peacefully


Chittagong Bureau :
The dawn to dusk hartal as called by Combined Islami Jote(Sammilita Islami Jote), the like minded parties of Islamic ideology passed off peacefully in the port city yesterday.
 The city has shown no signs of general strike demanding Abdul Latif Siddiqui’s arrest with top punishment for hurting the religious sentiments of Muslims and anti-Hajj and Tablig remarks. No report of any untoward incident or any processions and rallies in support of the shutdown came in on Sunday. No picketers or any kinds of processions in support of hartal seen in the city. Even the strikers were absent from the streets.
Public transport increased as the day advanced. Private vehicles, which usually stay off the road during shutdowns, were out in good numbers.
Private and public establishments worked normally. However, long-haul buses did not leave the city, though rail services remained normal. All sorts of vehicles including rickshaws, auto rikshaws , tempos, commuter bus and city buses are seen plying in the roads except heavy transports like covered vans and cargo transport. The port activities remained as usual in the inner and outer berths but the delivery of cargos remained suspended for some times. Police said traffic on the Chittagong-Cox’s Bazar road, too, was normal.
Jamaat-e-Islami, which endorsed the strike, did not take out processions or try to create unrest.
