36th Anniversary of the Victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran: Islamic Republic of Iran: An Overview

36 years ago the world witnessed overthrow of dictatorial regime of the Shah in Iran, which materialized as a result of wise leadership of Imam Khomeini and strong determination of the absolute majority of the Iranian people to get rid of the said regime. Since the revolution, the country had “independence, freedom and Islamic Republic “as its main motto. A referendum was held to determine the type of government to rule the country; the outcome of which was “Islamic Republic “voted for by 98 percent of the people who participated in the referendum. So far more than 30 elections have been held in the country, each of which indicative of the scope of people’s participation in determining their destiny.
The Islamic Republic of Iran is like a bridge in the heart of the region which links the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf, as well as the east and west Asia together. Therefore, its security and stability can have undeniable effect on the entire Middle East region and west Asia. That’s why peaceful coexistence, promotion of bilateral relations and extensive regional and international cooperation are seriously pursued in Iran’s foreign policy.
Iran has gained lots of various achievements in different fields in recent years. These progresses have changed the living standards of the people in the country. Decreasing the illiteracy rate, developments in service sector like tourism, up gradation of women living standards, developments in higher education, very rapid growth in heavy industry especially automobile industry are just few examples to describe the current Iran. Scaling up in science, technology and economy in Iran has culminated to increase the country’s cooperation capabilities in international levels specifically regional scales.  
In this article few aspects about the Islamic Republic of Iran will be described:
There are few countries in the world that every four seasons at the same time exist. Tourists, who visit the southern coasts of Iran in winter, can enjoy very pleasant weather and swim; while in the distance of 45 minutes fly, at the same time some cities like Tabriz and Tehran are cold enough that winter sports can be done. This climatic norm from the snowy mountains till the rainy forests and sunny deserts differs and has made an ecological beauty of Iran’s diversity of nature. Iran with rich cultural heritage and valuable and countless geographical and natural gifts, could turn into an important tourism centers.
Furthermore, Iran as the cradle of the civilizations has the precious treasure of cultural heritage, which has been, remained more than 10 thousand years. Architecture, sculpture and so many different handicrafts like Iranian carpet are examples of antiquity of art in this country. The Iranian style of architecture is unique and creative. Perspolice, Pasargadae and extraordinary edifices of Isfahan as well as the air traps of the central dessert region are the hall-mark of the Iranian architecture.
Among different Iranian monuments, religious architectures are a significant part of Iran’s cultural heritage and tourism industry. This architecture during different historical eras has proved to be an effective and beautiful piece of art.
Tourism is becoming an increasingly popular way to boost economic growth in developing countries. Although Middle East countries enjoy just 2.1% of the global share of tourism industry, Iran tries to increase its potentials and capacities through identification and introduction of its numerous historical monuments, handicraft industries and eye catching architectures.
The World Tourism Organization (WTO) is assisting Iran in embarking on a Tourism Development Master Plan, an ambitious 20-year plan in which Iran hopes to capture 1.5% of the world’s total tourist arrivals, about 20 million international tourists annually. This is not at all an unrealistic goal considering that the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) ranks Iran seventh in the world in terms of possessing historical monuments, museums, and other cultural attractions.
To foster and expedite this trend, an estimated 5 billion US$ will be put forth by the government for preservation and restoration efforts of historical monuments as well as other tourism infrastructure needs. The Iranian people, who are known for their hospitality, as well as the government, welcome every one of you to visit Iran
Free Zones:
The significant role of free trade zones as centers of free taxation trade activities to absorb FDI along with the role of re-export regions is very important. Also bottlenecks in technical and industrial developments have been removed and the country is on the verge of a great economic progress. Owing to its rich oil and gas reserves, Iran has always been considered a very cost-effective market. Now with the addition of its industrial and productive capabilities various fields especially in oil, gas, petrochemicals, steel, power and also increase in its exports of manufactured goods, it will be changed into a much stronger market.
Women in Iran have equality, respect and the right to participate in all social, political and economic activities. They live their lives productively and with dignity. Throughout the 20th Century Iranian women have organized and fought for human and political rights, from the Constitutional Revolution at the turn of the century to the democratic movement that overthrew the Shah of Iran. They were strong participants in the 1979 revolution.
After the victory of Islamic Revolution in Iran, the society was re-formed in accordance with Islamic standards. Bearing in mind that in pre- revolution era, Iran was fully influenced by western cultures based on considering women as a trading commodity, it was decided to replace this imported culture with genuine Islamic Ideology in which women should be held in high esteem and all their rights be observed…
In accordance with the Article 111 of Law on National Development Plan the government shall take measures for the purpose of enhancing the role of women in the society, promoting opportunities for women and elevating their participation.
Moreover there are lots of examples proving the interest of policy makers in Islamic Republic of Iran to have special concern to women societies.
Women in Iran are active in social and political life of the country and have high profiles in the official governmental positions. Having a strong footprint in Islamic Legislative Assembly, President Office and different ministries are few examples among the others. Also different NGOs running by women, as influential centers in Iran are widely active in different political, economic and benevolence contexts.
The wide women participation in political, economic and social arenas in Iranian, has not affected the structure and basis of families as the most important basic element for formation of a society. Not only in the Constitution and civil laws but also in practice and directives they emphasized to preserve the dignity of the family and also sheltering of the children and their safe growth. In this regard the government has decreased the women working hours in governmental offices to enable them to join their families sooner.
Nuclear Energy:
 One of the controversial matters which some western countries have put forward to Islamic Republic of Iran is Iranian peaceful nuclear activities. Before the victory of the Islamic Revolution, the US administration made a contract with Iran for delivering nuclear fuel required by Tehran nuclear reactor but its implementation was halted after the revolution.
More over Iran possesses 60 tons of UF6 in Europe which has not been delivered yet. The primary fuel of the Bushehr reactor which had been purchased by Iran from Siemens Company was confiscated and later its export permit to Iran was cancelled. The Islamic Republic of Iran possesses %10 of Urodif Enrichment Factory share but has not yet received even 1 gram of uranium which was pressingly required for producing radio-isotopes which are used for medical purposes. To avoid such kinds of unfair behaviors, Iran decided to be independent in nuclear peaceful activities.
Iranian nuclear program is completely peaceful and has always been carrying out under supervision of the IAEA. This program does not pose any threat to any country due to its peaceful nature. As the Great Leader and other high-ranking officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran have repeatedly announced, WMDs including nuclear weapons do not have any place in Iran’s defense doctrine. The Islamic Republic of Iran is one of the main victims of use of WMDs and Iran is the first country that has proposed the plan for making the Middle-East free from nuclear weapons and has always been reiterating its position in this respect.
The Islamic Republic of Iran has so far showed its high tolerance and good will for removing ambiguities on its nuclear policies and by adoption of confidence building measures has gone far beyond its obligations. In fact, Iran has extended its full cooperation with the IAEA inspectors and other concerned parties and has always been announcing its preparedness for settling remaining issues and removing ambiguities, if any, and negotiating on issues of mutual concerns. Thousands of person/per day inspection to the Iranian nuclear facilities and activities, voluntary suspension of all enrichment related activities for more than two and half years, full and unlimited access of inspectors to all Iranian nuclear installations and materials, granting permits for supplementary access to installations, all are a part of activities and cooperation extended by the Islamic Republic of Iran in this respect in order to remove ambiguities. On the other hand, Iran still is committed to its obligations under Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement given the fact that the inspection program of the Agency have been continuing without any obstacle and delay according to the said Agreement. The Director General of the IAEA has repeatedly concluded that the Agency is able to verify the non-diversion of declared nuclear material in Iran and all these activities remain under peaceful purposes.
 Knowing the fact that , imposing sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran will only bring about adverse effects, and will in no way prove to be dissuasive, let us hope , within the framework of the recent Geneva Plan of Action , agreed upon , our counterparts make the very best use of the opportunity created , and engage seriously to negotiate in good faith , so that , the most logical and final solution to the unnecessary crisis , based on a win- win principal , is gained. Iran is confident that a lasting agreement can be struck with world powers over country’s disputed nuclear programme. Tehran and the P5+1 group of nations have been locked in talks on a permanent nuclear deal aimed at ending a decade-long diplomatic crisis. To reach a mutual long-term comprehensive agreement is possible within weeks not months. Iran rejected “arbitrary, degrading and unlawful demands” made by other countries over its enrichment of uranium, which is part of a peaceful energy programme.
Nanotechnology is a highly multidisciplinary field referring broadly to a field of applied science and technology whose unifying theme is the control of matter on the atomic and molecular scale, normally 1 to 100 nanometers, and the fabrication of devices with critical dimensions that lie with the size range. Since early 2001, Iran has initiated its activities to develop nanotechnology until upon an order by the President, acted its activities to develop nanotechnology until upon an order by the president, Iran nanotechnology initiative (INI) was established in August 2003, to promote nanotechnology. It is headed by the deputy president for science and technology affairs and consists of 6 ministers and 5 senior nanotechnology experts. The first national nanotechnology development plan, titled as “Future Strategy”, was introduced in July 2005. The plan was then adopted by the cabinet ministers. The strategic plan outline country’s action plan to be undertaken from 2005 through 2014 to develop nanotechnology in Iran. It devises short term (two year), mid – term (five year) and long term (ten year) activities.
One of the main objectives of this plan is becoming one of 15 top tanking countries in nanotechnology and persisting to improve this position in order to achieve economic development.
Right now, there are more than fifty companies working in nanotechnology field In Iran. Half of these companies are in mass production stage and the rest are in final product commercialization stages. Since development and improvement of Nano sciences is closely related to a country’s scientific development in all areas, each year, and the Survey and Analysis workgroup of the INI evaluated papers on nanotechnology through defined indices from various countries using the ISI data bank and determines Iran’s rank as compared to other countries.
In 2001, Iran ranked 52nd with only 0.08% of the total shares of the nanotechnology related papers with 17 papers. Whereas in 2007, with 465 papers and holding 0.79%, it is ranked as 25th and is holding first rank among the Islamic and the Middle East countries.
The ranking of various countries based on the average annual increase in share of nanotechnology – related papers in the years 2001 – 2007 indicates that Iran has had the highest growth rate with an average of 80.2% in generating nano – science. Thailand Malaysia, Portugal, Taiwan, South Korea and Norway hold the subsequent ranks, respectively.
In additional to the number of papers, the quality of the papers produced in Iran has also improved remarkably during the same years.
Evaluation of average citation per article to papers of various countries indicates that Iran’s rank has risen to 25th in the year 2006 as compared with 43rd in 2001 and is placed first among Islamic and Middle East countries.
Foreign Policy:
Peaceful coexistence, promotion of bilateral relations and extensive regional and international cooperation are seriously pursued in Iran’s foreign policy. One of the achievements made by the Islamic Republic of Iran in the arena of foreign policy has been adopting of strategic decisions for the purpose of defusing regional crisis.