Islamic parties for capital punishment


Staff Reporter :
Various Islamic parties and others staged demonstration across the country on Wednesday demanding arrest and punishment of Posts and Telecommunications
 Minister Abdul Latif Siddique for his derogatory on the Hajj and Tablig Jamaat.
The Islamic parties called the minister ‘atheist’ and demanded his capital punishment. Several other parties and organisations also raised the same demand. Even the demand was raised in his home district by the ruling party men through staging demonstration.
Clashes also took place in some parts of the country between the agitators and the law enforcers during the demonstration. Police arrested several agitators, while some were injured in police attack.
Different Islamic parties also issued a threat of enforcing a daylong hartal on October 26 if Latif Siddique is not arrested within October 15. The parties issued the threat at a press conference at the National Press Club in the city. They also announced countrywide demonstration for Friday demanding arrest and capital punishment to Latif Siddique.
Announcing the programme, Maulana Zafrullah Khan, secretary general of the platform of the Islamic parties, said that Latif Siddique must come under the trial. Otherwise, tougher programme will be launched, he said.
Khelafat Andolan, Khelafat Majlis, Khelaft-e-Islami, Islami Oikya Jote, Islami Oikya Andolan, Nejam-e-Islam, Muslim League and some other parties and organisations are under the platform.
Meanwhile, Bangladesh Jamiyate Ulama brought out a procession from in front of the Press Club demanding capital punishment of Latif Siddique. Before the procession, a brief rally was held in front of the Press Club with president of the organisation Maulana Ruhul Amin Sirazi in the chair.
Demonstration was also staged in Jessore, Rajshai, Natore, Bogra and some other parts of the country.
