Book Review: Islami Porivasha (Islamic Terminology)

by Dr Syed Shah Amran :
Publisher: Project Director, Islami Books Publication Project-2nd Phase, Islamic Foundation, Agargaon, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207. Date of Publication : March 2018, Choitro, 1424, Rojob 1439. Printing and Binding: Jhingeful 34,North Brook Hall Road, Banglabazar, Dhaka-1100. Size : DD1/16. Paper : Whiteprint. Pages : 816. Price : Tk. 480.00
Islamic Foundation has long been in service of the nation by publication of Islamic books on different subjects and a large part of these books are research-based. The books are on the Holy Quran, Hadith, Tafsir, Fiqh, Islamic History, Economy, Banking, Philosophy, Spiritualism, Biography and other subjects.
There are many words in these books for which the readers need Islamic technical terminology. An encyclopedia of Islamic terminology could meet the demand of understanding and perceiving different subjects of Islam. This long-felt readers’ problem could not be solved because of the absence of such books. The Islam loving people, who are habituated to use Islamic words in their day-to-day life and a section of them unaware of the meanings and significance of those would have been benefited by a book on Islamic terminology.
It may be mentioned here that Mustalahul Hadith, Kitabut Tariqat and Mu’zamu Mustalahatil Alfasil Fiqhiya are some of the very important books on Islamic Terminology in Arabic. There are many books of terminology in English but in Bengali it is very rare.
Islami Porivasha by researcher Dr Syed Shah Amran is a book, which though a difficult task, has rendered a great service to the Islam-loving people, who will now be in a position to understand the technical terminology of the concerned words. The writer has written this book with competence on the subject and skill as an author.
In this context, it may be mentioned here that Dr Syed Shah Amran has to his credit some important books published till now. His books have contributed to our thoughts on Nation and Ummah.
In this book, the list of words of terminology has been arranged in alphabetical order of Bengali pronunciation of the Arabic words. The Arabic words have been placed within bracket. Complexity has been avoided in pronunciation. As a result, at the same time the serial of Arabic words and the alphabetical order of Bengali words have been followed. The writer has presented the terminological definition of many words, which will be very useful to researchers and students. He has tried to give proper explanation on the basis of words used by Muslims in their day-to-day lives. He wanted to make easier the huge store of Islamic words through his dedication and endeavour, as a result of which we get a basis on which the next structures of books can be built by other researchers.
‘Islami Porivasha’ has in the beginning abbreviation, transliteration and content. Beginning with Bengali alphabet and thus with ‘Allah’ the book begins presentation of terminology.
 The writer has placed the list of 48 books and the writers’/editors’ names which helped him in preparing the book.
 In the last there is the Bibliography (P. 803-816).
A pioneering work of the researcher writer Dr Syed Shah Amran ‘Islami Porivasha’ is a book for which he deserves congratulation. He has dedicated a long period and endeavored much for meeting the long-felt demand of the people. His successful presentation will inspire, it is expected, some more scholars researchers to contribute to this subject. Islamic Foundation deserves credit for such an exceptional and pioneering publication.
We expect wide circulation of the book.
-Literature Desk