Islami Bank introduces ‘mohor’ account

Business Desk :
Mohor obligatory bridal money given by the husband to his wife at the time of marriage. It is the basic right of women as per Islamic Shariah. Many people cannot afford the full payment during the marriage ceremony and promises to pay later.
Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited has introduced a deposit scheme titled ‘Mudaraba Mohor Savings Account’ with a view to creating awareness among the Muslims and to make the payment easy for complying this principle. Men can pay the money of Mohor to women through depositing the small installments in this account.
This deposit scheme helps establishing women’s rights in the society and assists them to attain financial solvency. This is a unique initiative of the bank to introduce the culture of providing Mohor to women in due respect.
Not merely being confined in banking business, IBBL strives to do welfare for all human being in the society, which is one of prime objectives of this Bank. IBBL always participates welfare activities for society and humanity.
“And give the women (whom you marry) their Mohor with a good heart; but if they, of their own good pleasure, remit any part of it to you, take it, and enjoy it without fear of any harm (as Allah has made it lawful). Sura Nisa-4. Islami Bank has taken initiative to make easy compliance of this Quranic obligation to all in the society.
Muslims from all segments in the society especially professionals, businessmen, and expatriates Bangladeshis can open the Mohor account under this scheme. Monthly installment of the 5 to 10 years term account will be fixed by the individuals as per their respective financial capability.
The operator of this account will be the husband but the owner of the same will be his wife. Any valid male citizen of the country can open this account with two copies of photographs of his own, national ID card or any citizen certificate, two copies of photographs of his wife and one copy of nominee. Monthly installment can be deposited in any date of the month.
The installment can be deposited from any branch of the Bank though online facilities, iBanking or mCash. The installment may be paid in advance. The principal and profit of this account belongs to the wife. Besides, there is an opportunity of getting attractive profit in this scheme.
As per Islamic shariah, it is compulsory for husband to pay this to his wife. But there is a good number of married men from all walks of life in our society who did not pay total Muhor to their wives. Many of them are not aware about the necessity of payment of the deferred amount of Muhor so that wives have been remaining deprived of their fundamental right of Muhor. The wives are to forgive even the claim of the same. Although some of them are aware about it but they are not getting much opportunity to realize it from their husbands.
Though this deposit scheme, a husband can get rid of the liability of paying Mohor to his wife. Women will get her valid right. Financial solvency comes in women’s life and their dignity is established in the society. Finally, the socio-economic emancipation of the woman gets momentum by establishing their rights.