Opinion: Islam strictly prohibits physical punishment

Sir Frank Peters :
Islamic children throughout the world – including Bangladesh – have found a friend in Maulana Muhammad Khan Sherani and a reason to rejoice.
This week the learned Maulana declared that Islam strictly prohibits physical punishment of any degree and in all settings, (that would include corporal punishment in schools and madrassas.)
The Maulana, who is Chairman, Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) was speaking in Islamabad. He told the world media representatives present that Islam strictly prohibits physical punishment of both males and females.
He said: “husbands and fathers are not allowed to beat their wives and daughters. Even inflicting a bruise on women’s body is strictly prohibited. Violence against husband or wife is not allowed. A husband can separate the bed from his wife in case of her persistent disobedience, he said even stop sleeping with her if she does not mend her ways.”
Prohibition of Corporal Punishment to Children (Amendment) Bill referred by Senate Standing Committee to Council would also be finalized at its next meeting in July.On January 13, 2011 Bangladesh joined the civilised world by banning corporal punishment in schools and madrassas. Justices Md Imman Ali and Md Sheikh Hasan Arif outlawed the inhuman, ineffective, ignorant practice of corporal punishment in schools and madrassas throughout Bangladesh. In their summary they declared it to be “cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment and a clear violation of a child’s fundamental right to life, liberty and freedom”.
Jesus, who was never beaten by his parents Mary and Joseph, taught children through love and Maulana Muhammad Khan Sherani said corporal punishment is against Islamic teaching. One can only wonder what gives some alleged ‘teachers’ in a Bangladeshi village school the right to think they are above them and know better.
This evil persecution of children in schools has never made any sense and must stop. Even the Maulana says so.

(Sir Frank Peters is a former newspaper and magazine publisher and editor, a royal goodwill ambassador, humanitarian, and a respected foreign friend of Bangladesh)
