Islam has not been leased out to some religious fanatics: Hasan


Sharply criticising the recent activities of some individuals, parties and organizations on the sculptures issue, Information Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud on Sunday said Islam has not been leased out to some religious fanatics.
“Bangladeshi Muslims have not given lease Islam to some religious fanatics. It seems that they (religious fanatics) understand everything and no one understands anything,” he said.
The minister made the comments while addressing a function at an auditorium of Jatiya Press Club (JPC) in the capital.
Bangabandhu Sangskritik Jote (BSJ) organized the programme on unwrapping a magazine titled ‘Bangaleer Thirtha Bhumi’ and according artists marking the ‘Mujib Borsho’.
Hasan said there are many sculptures of animals and even sculptures of faces of administrators on streets in Saudi Arabia. Even, there is a museum of sculptures, he said, adding, but, imams and grand mufti of Makkah Shareef, Madinah Shareef didn’t raise any questions about this.
“Then, have the religious fanatics of our country more knowledge about Islam than imams of Makkha and Madinah Shareefs?,” Hasan, also Awami League joint general secretary, questioned.
He said, actually, they are religious fanatics and everyone should remain alert against them. The country achieved independence through the blood of Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists and Christians, he added.
The minister said there were many conspiracies in past and people were torched in 2013, 2014 and 2015. Anarchies were created in Shapla Chattar by bringing innocent madrashas students and even they torched the Holy Quran. The leaders who led it and their followers couldn’t avoid the responsibilities, he added.
Now, they have begun a new conspiracy over sculptures issue, he said, adding there are many sculptures for hundred years. Many sculptures of many eminent persons and many political leaders were made, he added.
But, none raises any question over this, he said, adding suddenly they raise questions about Bangabandhu’s sculptures.
The minister urged the cultural organizations to raise voice in unison and to increase cultural activities across the country.
About the Padma Bridge, he said the World Bank raised an allegation that there was corruption in the construction works while they didn’t release a single penny. But it was proved that the allegation was wrong, he added.
In the same time, he said, some organizations including CPD and TIB, eminent lawyers and political leaders raised also same allegation along with the World Bank, he said.
He said at that time the Prime Minister declared that “We will construct the Padma Bridge with own fund and no need of any fund from the World Bank”. Today, the Prime Minister has informed the world about the capabilities of Bangladesh by almost completing it with own funds”, he added.
Now, the whole country and people are happy, he said.
Thanking the country’s media, the information minister said, “You are reminding the statements of conspirators at the beginning of the bridge. Now, I’ve a question that where are the persons who raised allegations? Why they are silent? Are they not happy? Where are CPD or TIB?.”
“I myself feel ashamed by seeing troll on social media. And I don’t know what they look like. Actually, they don’t want the betterment of the country,” said Hasan.
About a recent comment of BNP leader Rizvi about AL General Secretary Obaidul Quader, the minister said it seems that he (Rizvi) is not cured fully. He needs more treatment, he added.
AL Relief and Social Welfare Secretary Sujit Ray Nandi, AL city north unit former general secretary Shahe Alam Murad, AL city leaders Kamal Chowdhury and Matin Chowdhury, among others, addressed the function with BSJ president Falguni Hamid in the chair.
Later, Hasan unwrapped the magazine and handed over the award to seven artists.
