Commentary: ISIS’s savagery is bad but Netanyahu’s savagery is not – can’t be the way forward


We condemn the savage killing of an American journalist and other acts of brutalities by ISIS in no ambiguous terms. That it has “dumbfounded and horrified the civilized world” is also agreed as the appropriate response. Where we are unable to agree is the solution to the spread of terrorism among Muslims. Muslim religious leaders also condemned the ISIS for its atrocities. They went so as to say that ISIS leaders are not Muslims.
We do not believe that such terrorism has to be seen and judged by not being fair to both sides if savagery is to be ended. The terrorism among the Muslims is mostly the result of savagery being inflicted on them everyday in Palestine by Israel. The Palestinians are treated as under occupation prisoners of Israel and its present Prime Minister feels free to use modern weapons to kill hundreds of innocent Palestinians and the West finds such holocaust type killings justified in the name of Israel’s security of borders. This double-talk is a duplicity of savage kind. Like the ISIS, though much bigger a more frequently savagery is also committed by Netanyahu in the full view of the world. As a response to the crime against humanity in Palestine, anti-Semitism is raising its ugly heads in Europe and many other countries.
We also believe it is wrong to allow Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, to boast about his military power and use them for indiscriminate deaths and destruction. In these days when opportunities are offered, private groups can easily get hold of dangerous weapons and also obtain finance for pursuing terrorism with devastating effect. The longer a just political solution is delayed, more powerful the private terrorists will become. It is now admitted in the West that ISIS is “extremely well-financed and has demonstrated sophistication and tactical skills in its campaign–“
Now the International US daily International New York Times admits: No matter how many American airstrikes are carried out – Mr Obama is also considering strikes against ISIS in Syria – such extremists will never be defeated if Muslims themselves do not make it a priority.
But the question should be seriously gone into why Muslims anywhere will cooperate in such collective effort to stop private terrorism when state terrorism against Muslims will go on? Is it not right to say that the US army committed uncalled for brutalities freely in Iraq and Afghanistan? For punishing al-Qaeda it was not necessary to demonstrate horrendous American fire power in Afghanistan and kill and imprison anybody under suspicion of being an al-Qaeda member. American brutalities against Guantanamo Muslim prisoners shocked even the American people. Uncivilized acts are uncivilized and it makes a difference who are the perpetrators.  
It has to be recognized that Muslim lives have values. Almost all the Muslim countries are by inclination pro-West and they were trying to be helpful against terrorism. But the West has refused to take them into trust. The situation in Pakistan would not have been so anarchic if it did not get involved in US aggression in Afghanistan in the hope of helping the US to combat terrorists.
The Western countries particularly the United States will have to show that they are not engaged in a civilizational war against Muslims. The Palestinian dispute must not fester any longer so that Israel can kill and punish Muslims with impunity.
We said it in the past and we say it again that do not ignore the fact that Muslims are the second largest religion in the world and any country, however powerful it may be, should not start a religious war between the two great religions. The Muslim countries are militarily weak but they are not without financial power. They have also enough modern weapons for sustaining terrorism in defense of Muslim lives—men, women and children.
Israelis is no help to the West, it is a burden and threat to world peace. The Muslims are needed by the West for world peace. Let the West see this simple truth not be blindfolded about its super power position.
America is making a grave mistake by not solving the Israel created crisis. Two-state solution is recognised the world over including the USA.
Let us quote from the editorial of International New York Times published yesterday empahsising the need of the West to act in collaboration with Muslim countries and leaders:
ISIS has received financing from donors in Kuwait and Qatar. Saudi Arabia funneled weapons to Syrian rebels and did not care if they went to ISIS. Turkey allowed ISIS fighters and weapons to flow across porous borders.
The government of Obama now feels threatened that group terrorism is not that far away.
