ISIS has enjoyed Turkish money for oil for a long time


The Jerusalem Post :Turkey should cease any relationship with Hamas, official and unofficial, and close down the terrorist organizations operating inside the country if it wants to normalize ties with Jerusalem, Israel’s envoy to Athens said in an interview published in Greece this week.Irit Ben-Abba’s comments to the Greek website came on the eve of Wednesday’s visit to Jerusalem by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and 10 government ministers, and amid continuous reports that Israel and Turkey are on the verge of reestablishing full diplomatic relations.”One thing that we said many times in the past – I think this is clear to both Cyprus and Greece – is that our relations with Turkey will not be the same as they were before,” she said. “The level of intimacy and cooperation that we had with Turkey in the past, I don’t think it will be the same now.”Following the government- to-government meeting on Wednesday, both Tsipras and Netanyahu will travel to Cyprus for a first of its kind tripartite summit with Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades at which the three leaders will discuss energy and security issues common to what is emerging as a triangular eastern Mediterranean alliance built around the rich natural-gas deposits discovered there over the last decade.Tsipras’s visit comes a day after Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon was in Athens for meetings with his Greek counterpart.
