ISIS claims killing of 3 female Afghan media workers


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, officially known as the Islamic State and also known by its Arabic acronym Daesh has claimed responsibility for killing three Afghan women media workers in two separate attacks in the Afghan city of Jalalabad.

According to a report by Pars Today, the three female employees of the Enikass Television channel were attacked on their way home from work and another was seriously injured. These media workers were killed in two separate attacks.

The report further states that Daesh terrorists have carried out the attacks on female media workers.

“We have been alerted by the killing of three media persons – Mursal Waheedi, Saadia Sadat and Shahnaz Raufi,” said Zalmai Latifi, chief executive officer of Enikass Television.


Latifi said the three were returning home after dubbing the entertainment program in the local language.

“Working in television and radio in Afghanistan is a very risky business. In order to reduce this risk, the culprits must be brought under punishment,” he added.

(Source: Online Desk)
