Business Desk :The 69th Annual Conference of the International Federation of Airline Pilots’ Association (IFALPA) is in progress at Panama City. Captain Ishtiaque Hossain a senior pilot of Biman Bangladesh Airlines has been re-elected as the Regional Vice President (Asia/West) for the consecutive second term for two years through secret ballot which has happened for the first time in the history of aviation in this sub-continent and a pride for Biman and Bangladesh. There are more than 400 delegates across the globe attending the conference.IFALPA, the global voice of the pilots, represents more than 100,000 pilots worldwide and has more than 90 Member Associations having its Head Quarter in Montreal, Canada. The Federation has permanent representation at the specialised UNagency – International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) and is well known for itswork in the safety and technical fields. It is also recognised by International Labour Organisation (ILO), another specialized UN agency that deals with labour andindustrial issues on a global basis.Captain Ishtiaque Hossain joined Biman in 1993 and presently working as the senior-most pilot of the new generation Boeing 737-800 fleet.