IS executes another US aid worker


BBC Online :
A video released onto the internet claims to show that Islamic State militants have killed the captured US aid worker Abdul-Rahman Kassig.
In the video, a masked militant stands over a severed head said to be that of Kassig.
The aid worker — known as Peter Kassig before he converted to Islam — was kidnapped in Syria last year.
In October, an IS video of the killing of British aid worker Alan Henning had ended with a threat to Kassig.
It was not immediately possible to confirm that Kassig was pictured in the latest video — which also purports to show a group of Syrian soldiers being killed.
 Kassig’s parents, who live in the US state of Indiana, last month released extracts of a letter written by their son, in which he told of the strains of captivity.
“This is the hardest thing a man can go through, the stress and fear are incredible,” the aid worker wrote.
“They tell us you have abandoned us and/or don’t care but of course we know you are doing everything you can and more.
“Don’t worry Dad, if I do go down, I won’t go thinking anything but what I know to be true. That you and mom love me more than the moon and the stars.”
