Irrigation works thru solar powered tube wells in Gafargaon


Gafargaon, (Mymensingh) Correspondent :
Solar-powered deep tube wells are being used for irrigation of Boro Paddy in Raona village of Raona union of Gafargaon upazila of Mymensingh. This has reduced the cost of irrigation for rural farmers and ensured uninterrupted water supply. Farmers are expecting better yield this season as compared to last season.
Additional Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture Abdur Rauf,, Joint Secretary Rabindra Shri Barua, and Project Director of BADC Md. Sarwar Hossain, Executive Engineer Mymensingh Roni Shah, BADC Deputy Assistant Engineer Tanvir Hassan have come on Saturday morning to visit this project..
Farmer of Rawana village Tafazzal Hossain, Sujan Mia, Ali Hossain, Faizullah and some others said that deep tube wells have been installed in their village with the help of solar panels through small irrigation development project BADC. Irrigation has already started. In this way, we used to spend TK_six hundred on electricity in one katha of land. The cost of solar irrigation is Tk 200 . Farmers are earning Tk 4, 00 per katha for irrigation cost. We applaud this project of the government. Because, now we have no problem in delivering electricity to the villages.
Md. Abdur Rauf, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Bangladesh, said that SDG 7.4 has been mentioned for making water efficient. We are benefiting the farmers by irrigating fallow lands and non-agricultural lands. We are delivering the services of BADC on the instructions of Hon’ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s government. Boro cultivation is not possible without irrigation. If there is irrigation facility, it is possible to make three crops in one crop land.
