Irregularities alleged in inviting tender in Gafargaon


Our Correspondent :
The local government engineering department of Mymensingh has invited tenders for the special allotment of Fahmi Golandaj Babel, a local MP from Gafargaon constituency in Mymensingh, for the construction of a paved road of 1.5 km. But even though the tender was called, MP Babel did not know.
Later, it was decided to cancel the tender for the intervention of the Chief Engineer of the Local Government Engineering Department (LGED).
In this regard, MP Fahmi Golandaj Babel told reporters, “Tenders were called without informing me and without my DO letter by preparing a project for construction of roads completely outside the law.” After informing the chief engineer about the matter, the engineers are taking initiative to cancel the tender. ‘
He added, ‘The government spends a lot of money to prepare project activities for road construction and has to advertise in newspapers with a lot of money to invite these tenders. It is unacceptable that government money will be spent in this way due to the whims of the executive engineer and his colleagues. ‘
According to locals, Shahiduzzaman Khan, executive engineer of Mymensingh local government engineering department, has invited tenders worth Tk 1.25 crore for the development of a 1.5 km road up to Mashakhali Tanpara Baro Masjid railway line in Gafargaon upazila. The last date for submission of tenders was fixed on October 3.
Convener of Gafargaon Municipal Awami Juba League Salauddin Palash said that the tender was called by the officials including the executive engineer of the local government engineering department in violation of the law by keeping local MP Fahmi Golandaj Babel in hiding. The area for which tenders have been called for road construction is not important. Although there are important roads, the officials have done this work without the MP’s DO letter from his special allocation money. When this news spread, there was anger among the leaders and workers.
