Irregularities against Bogra jail officials alleged

BOGRA: A prison guard is counting money which was allegedly taken from a prisoner's family as bribe at the jail garden recently naming thana clearance. This picture was taken August 26. Photo : Ferdousur Rahman
BOGRA: A prison guard is counting money which was allegedly taken from a prisoner's family as bribe at the jail garden recently naming thana clearance. This picture was taken August 26. Photo : Ferdousur Rahman
Bogra Correspondent :
Irregularities and technical weaknesses have put Bogra jail at security risk. Corrupt officers and employees of the jail allegedly make money by taking bribes from the visitors every month.
Most of the employees of Bogra jail have been involved in corruptions. Many victims have submitted written complaint to the higher authorities deserving punishment of those who involved in corruptions violating the jail code.
Several victims and their relatives have sent the complaint to the prison authority.
The prison authority has taken no action against the prisoners who directly involved in various crimes in the prison although they entered in the jail for women’s brutal crimes, including killing.
Criminals can do whatever they want if their relatives send money to them. Some organised syndicates put the criminals to stay in prison hospital for a long time.
Sources said, each criminal has to pay Tk 25 to 30 thousands to the prison authority for staying in prison hospital without diseases for a month. Notorious terrorists, drug dealers and killers are leading luxurious life in prison’s hospital months after months in exchange of hues amount of money. The perpetrators are planed of the crimes sitting in jail .
The prisoners are using mobile phones inside in jail in exchange for money. It is no problem to use drugs in side the jail if money is given to the authorities. If any prisoner pays huge amount , he can spend time alone with his relatives in a lonely room.
There are more complaints against the prison authority that if the family members of the released people do not fulfill their demand
According to sources , prison authorities collect a minimum of Tk 1.6 million to Tk 2.8 million a month from visitors. One has to pay about Tk 200 to Tk 500 to meet with a common prisoner. In the case of VIPs, this could be anything between Tk 20 thousand to Tk 40 thousand, according to the circumstances. And one pays Tk 10 thousand to visit inmates in hospital.
Again, even after being released by the court, the prisoners face all sorts of problems. If freed by the court or released on bail, the prisoners are not given their deposited things. .
The prison authorities take Tk 20 thousand to Tk 40 thousand from the top criminal convicts every month. They collect Tk 50 thousand from the inside canteen every month.
Bogra prison authority got Tk 12,0000 from their higher authority in order to eliminate the housing crisis for the prison guards.
The jail authorities have taken massive corruption in case of sale of unused goods. Half percent of selling amount is not written in the official book. The government intelligence agencies are investigating the matter , sources added.
In addition, there are many complaints against of Bogra prison authorities which come out at the time of investigation, sources added.
Md. Bazlur Rashid Akhand, Bogra Jail Super said , complaints against him that the criminals always want to take opportunities in the prison that is not possible to give them and they spread o misinformation about prison.
He claims that all allegations against him are false and fabricated.  
