IRI survey findings contradictory: BNP


UNB, Dhaka :BNP on Saturday turned down the US-based International Republican Institute (IRI)’s survey findings that the government has gained popularity, saying the results are contradictory and devoid of reality.”On one hand, they (IRI) are saying the country’s majority people want the polls to be held as soon as possible under a caretaker government, hey’re saying the government’s popularity has got a boost on the other. This picture has proved that the survey findings are contradictory,” said BNP spokesman Asaduzzaman Ripon.The BNP leader came up with the remarks at a press briefing at the party’s Nayapaltan central office.Ripon, however, said the government should test its popularity through holding a fresh election if it accepts the results of the IRI survey. “Arrange an election if you (govt) think your popularity has marked a rise.”Nielsen-Bangladesh conducted a survey between May 23 and June 10 this year for the US-based research organisation IRI on Bangladesh’s politics and democracy. The results of the survey were published on Thursday.As per the survey findings, 67 percent people think the caretaker government should be restored before holding the next parliamentary election while 43 percent respondents like to see the next general election be held as soon as possible and 40 percent think the current parliament should complete its tenure. It also said, Awami League enjoys more popularity than other parties with 60 percent respondents liking and 29 percent disliking it. Some 42 percent like BNP while 46 percent dislike it.Reacting to the IRI findings, Ripon said, they do not think the government has gained popularity. The overall situation and law and order indicate that the government’s popularity has not got a boost, he observed.”There’s no rule of law in the country. Incidents like killing, enforced disappearance, repression on women and assault on teachers are taking place regularly. The prices of daily essentials are growing while the law and order is deteriorating. It’s not comprehensible how the government has gained popularity under the circumstances,” the BNP spokesman questioned.Asked whether the results of the survey will cast a negative impact on their party men, he replied in negative and said the findings of the survey will not be acceptable to common people and BNP leaders and activists. “So, it won’t have any bad impact on our politics and our party men won’t be demoralised.”
