Irfan Sajjad, Safa Kabir pair up for Eid play


Entertainment Report :
Popular faces of the small screen Irfan Sajjad and Safa Kabir have already presented some viewers’ choice plays. To keep in mind their popularity, playwright and director Asif Iqbal Jewel has made a special play Bhalobashi Okaroney on the occasion of coming Eid. Irfan and Safa acted in roles of Shanto and Nodi in the play respectively.
While talking about the play director Asif Iqbal Jewel told this correspondent, “Nodi loved a person. But that person was died while going to study in Australia. Shanto came forward to Nodi to hive her company. But Shanto became weak to Nodi. At one stage, Shanto started to love her. But that person remains heart of Nodi. To know this, Shanto still loved her. One day Nodi’s that boyfriend came in front of Nodi. It is the story of the play.”
Ifran Sajjad said, “As Jewel Bhai wrote story of the play so that he made it sincerely and cordially. Safa has become more serious and matured about her acting. As a result, our performances in the play became nice.”
Safa Kabir shared her feelings by this way, “Jewel Bhai has tried to portray a nice story based play. It surely touched hearts of the viewers. I have enjoyed a lot working in this play. Irfan Bhai is not only a good actor but also a good human being. I really enjoy working with him.”
Shooting of the play was done last week. Safa Kabir and Irfan Sajjad acted first TV appearance was Super Girls. Mabrur Rashid Bannah directed Amader Golpota Emon-o Hotey Parto is their acted mentionable play. Therefore, as a pair, they also acted in many plays.
