Iran`s FM returns to nuke talks amid signs of backtracking

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, right, speaks with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, as they walk in Geneva, Switzerland, ahead of the next round of nuclear discussions.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, right, speaks with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, as they walk in Geneva, Switzerland, ahead of the next round of nuclear discussions.

AP, Vienna :Iran’s foreign minister returned to the nuclear talks in Vienna where negotiators are struggling to overcome still significant differences and preparing to work through Tuesday’s self-imposed deadline for a deal.Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif rejoined the talks after a day of consultations in Tehran and was meeting first with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry.”I feel the negotiations have reached a very sensitive stage, and at this stage, with political will, determination and lots of work, progress is possible,” Zarif told reporters on arriving in Vienna with Ali Akbar Salehi, the head of Iran’s atomic agency, who had missed earlier sessions due to illness.Iran’s official news agency said Salehi’s participation indicated Iran’s serious desire to accelerate the talks and achieve a comprehensive deal. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was also expected to join the discussions.Zarif said Iran would only accept an agreement that is “fair, balanced and also based on national pride and the rights of the Iranian people.”On Monday, U.S. officials suggested that significant backtracking by Tehran’s negotiators may need several more days of discussions to resolve.Monday had originally been envisioned as the penultimate day of a 20-month process to assure the world Iran cannot produce nuclear weapons and provide the Iranian people a path of out of years of international isolation. But officials said over the weekend they were nowhere near a final accord, and Zarif flew back to his capital for further consultations.Several signs pointed toward Iranian intransigence and perhaps even backsliding on a framework it reached with world powers three months ago. At a briefing for some three-dozen, mainly American, reporters, a senior U.S. official repeated several times that the final package must be based on the April parameters – “period.” The official declined to elaborate because of the sensitivity of the diplomacy; reporters were updated on the condition that no individuals be quoted by name.At the United Nations, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius told reporters that no new target date has been set for concluding the nuclear talks, which would set a decade of restrictions on Iran’s enrichment of uranium and other activity in exchange for tens of billions of dollars in relief from international economic sanctions.
