Iran’s Chabahar free zone awaits end of sanctions

AFP, Chabahar :
Hundreds of containers lie idle in the scorching sun that pounds Iran’s southeastern port of Chabahar, a free trade zone crippled by decades of international sanctions.
But against the backdrop of nuclear talks between Tehran and world powers, authorities hope foreign investors will finally wise up to the “golden opportunity” of doing business in Chabahar, Iran’s only gateway to the Indian Ocean.
Between 2006 and 2010, the UN Security Council adopted six resolutions, four of which imposed sanctions, over Iran’s nuclear and missile programmes.
Since 2012, the United States and the European Union have also applied a series of unilateral sanctions that specifically target the energy and banking sectors.
In early April, however, Tehran and six world powers reached a framework agreement aimed at paving the way for a final nuclear deal by the end of June.
The deal is aimed at preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons in exchange for an easing of the sanctions.
The United States, one of the six world powers negotiating with Iran along with Britain, China, France, Russia and Germany, has said sanctions would be lifted in stages as the deal is implemented.
For Chabahar Free Zone (CFZ), an accord cannot come soon enough.
The port is located in Sistan-Baluchistan province and provides countries in southeast and central Asia with a gateway to trade with Iran.