Iran will submit peace plan for Yemen to UN

Reuters :
ADEN: Meanwhile, Iran would submit a four-point peace plan for Yemen to the United Nations on Wednesday, Iranian state media said on Tuesday.
Tehran’s proposal includes a call for an end to Saudi-led air strikes against the Houthi rebels.
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, speaking in Madrid on Tuesday, said Tehran’s peace initiative involved a ceasefire, humanitarian assistance, a dialogue between Yemeni factions and a broad-based government.
“This issue should be resolved by the Yemenis. Iran and Saudi Arabia need to talk but we cannot talk to determine the future of Yemen,” he told a news conference.
Arab states have been bombing the Houthis for three weeks in support of militias resisting an advance by the rebel group and army units loyal to former president Ali Abdullah Saleh.
After prolonged street fighting, Houthi fighters withdrew from Aden’s Khor Maksar district, where the international airport and foreign missions are located.