Iran shrugs off Netanyahu bid to block nuclear deal

AFP, Tehran :
Iran on Saturday shrugged off a bid by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to abort a nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers by lobbying opposition in a speech to the US Congress.
“I believe this effort is fruitless and it should not be an impediment to an agreement,” Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said at a joint press conference with his visiting Italian counterpart Paolo Gentiloni.
“It is unfortunate that there is a group which sees its interests in tension and crisis.”
Netanyahu’s bid was “an attempt to utilise a fabricated crisis to cover up realities in the region, including occupation, the suppression of Palestinians and the violation of their rights”, he said.
“It is an on old policy to intimidate and spread lies … in order to prevent peace in the region,” said Zarif.
Netanyahu will travel next week to Washington to denounce a possible agreement in the Iranian nuclear talks, which he considers contrary to the interests of Israel.
The Israeli leader said Wednesday that his speech before Congress was part of his “duty” to protect the Jewish state’s security.