Iran says can produce highly enriched uranium in days if US quits deal

Chief of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization Ali Akbar Salehi, right, sits next to Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif after being awarded medal of honor by President Hassan Rouhani during a ceremony in Tehran, Iran.
Chief of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization Ali Akbar Salehi, right, sits next to Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif after being awarded medal of honor by President Hassan Rouhani during a ceremony in Tehran, Iran.

Reuters, London :
Iran can resume production of highly enriched uranium within five days if the nuclear deal it struck with world powers in 2015 is revoked, Iran’s atomic chief was quoted by state media as saying on Tuesday.
The deal that Iranian President Hassan Rouhani championed with the United States, Russia, China and three European powers led to the lifting of most sanctions against Tehran in return for curbs on its nuclear program.
Rouhani has intensified efforts to protect the deal, also known by its acronym JCPOA, against Washington’s return to an aggressive Iran policy, after U.S. President Donald Trump approved new sanctions on Tehran.
Rouhani warned last week that Iran could abandon the nuclear agreement “within hours” if the United States imposes any more new sanctions. “The president’s warning was not baseless,” Head of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, Ali Akbar Salehi said on Tuesday. “If we decide, we can reach 20 percent (uranium) enrichment within five days in Fordow (underground nuclear plant),” he added.
However, Salehi who was reappointed this month as vice president and the head of the Atomic Energy Organization, said his main priority would be to protect the JCPOA.
Following the nuclear deal, Iran drastically reduced the number of centrifuges – machines that enrich uranium – installed at Fordow, and kept just over 1,000 there for research purposes. The JCPOA states that no enrichment is permitted at Fordow for 15 years.
Uranium enriched to a high level can be used to make an atomic bomb. Iran says its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes.
The U.S. Treasury imposed sanctions on six Iranian firms in late July for their role in the development of a ballistic missile program after Tehran launched a rocket capable of putting a satellite into orbit.
Trump also signed in August a U.S. Senate bill that imposed sanctions on Iran, Russia, and North Korea. Iran says new U.S. sanctions breach the JCPOA but the United States says they were unrelated to the deal.
During his election campaign Trump called the deal a “disaster” and “the worst deal ever negotiated”. This month he said he did not believe Iran was living up to the deal’s spirit.
Salehi’s warning, along with recent comments by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, show Iran is willing to push back against Trump while still acknowledging they want to keep the deal, which lifted crippling economic sanctions on the country.
“If there is a plan for a reaction and a challenge, we will definitely surprise them,” said Salehi, who also serves as one of Rouhani’s vice presidents.
 “If we make the determination, we are able to resume 20 percent-enrichment in at most five days.”
He added: “Definitely, we are not interested in such a thing happening. We have not achieved the deal easily to let it go easily. We are committed to the deal and we are loyal to it.”
Iran gave up the majority of its stockpile of 20-percent enriched uranium as part of the nuclear deal it struck with world powers, including Trump’s predecessor, President Barack Obama. The accord, which lifted sanctions on Iran, currently caps the Islamic Republic uranium enrichment at 5 percent.
