Iran rejects Trump’s call for changes to nuclear deal

Al Jazeera news :
Iran has said it will not accept any changes to the terms of the 2015 nuclear deal, after US President Donald Trump threatened to pull out of the agreement unless its “terrible flaws” are fixed.
The Islamic Republic’s foreign ministry said in a statement that it would not “move beyond its commitments” to the existing agreement, to which Trump has extended the US commitment for another 120 days, Iran’s state-run Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) reported on Saturday.
“Iran strongly announces that it will make no measure beyond its Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) commitments and will make no changes in the nuclear deal neither now nor in the future,” the statement said.
The nuclear deal, formally known as the JCPOA, has eased sanctions on Iran in exchange for Tehran halting uranium enrichment. It was agreed upon by the United States under the administration of former President Barack Obama, Iran and five other countries in July 2015.
Trump announced on Friday that the US would keep the pact in place and waive sanctions against Iran for the “last time”, in order to secure agreement from the US’ European allies to fix its “terrible flaws”. “Despite my strong inclination, I have not yet withdrawn the United States from the Iran nuclear deal,” he said in a statement.
“Instead I have outlined two possible paths forward: either fix the deal’s disastrous flaws, or the United States will withdraw,” he added.