Iran keen to import RMG from BD Envoy Abbas says Tehran is working on tariff cut

Business Desk :
In an exclusive interview with in the capital, he said that Iran imports most of the garments it needs from countries like China and Turkey and sometimes buys Bangladeshi garments from third countries.”We know that Bangladesh is the second largest RMG exporter of the world. Iran is mulling it over importing garments from Bangladesh directly,” he added. Suggesting that Iran, a country of over 79 million people, could be a potential big market for Bangladeshi garments, the ambassador said that Iran is trying to establish direct relations with the RMG industry in Bangladesh.
“Though there are some barriers, including high tariff and duty in Iran, to importing garments from Bangladesh, we are working to reduce them to open Iranian markets to Bangladeshi garments,” Abbas said.He said that the RMG issue will be discussed with enormous importance in the Sixth Joint Economic Commission Meeting between Bangladesh and Iran to be held soon.He mentioned that Iran is the main importer of Bangladeshi jute for long and that the Gulf nation is working with Bangladesh to exploit potential in fertilisers.In response to a query, the ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary said the hospitality of Bangladeshis always overwhelms him and “I feel at home in Bangladesh”.Mentioning that Bangladesh and Iran are connected historically and culturally, the diplomat said the two nations now have relations in all major fields.