Iran intelligence forces expose 290 CIA spies

IRNA, Tehran :
Iranian Intelligence Minister said that some 290 spies affiliated with US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) have been discovered by the country’s Iran intelligence forces in various countries.
The CIA forces have found and arrested so that US established a defeat committee to address the issue, Mahmoud Alavi said while addressing a large congregation gathered for Friday prayer.
He added that the Iranian Intelligence Ministry has shifted its anti-spy approach from defensive to combative and has inflicted heavy blows to the foreign intelligence services.
Referring to recent interview with 11 American security experts released by Yahoo News,
he said most of the interviewees refused to mention their names but one of them said the discovering 290 CIA agents has been one the most disastrous defeats after 9/11.
Stressing the fact that the US official themselves reminded of this defeat as a scandal, said more details with will be released though media soon.
Elsewhere in his remarks, Alavi pointed to the same blow inflicted to UK Secret Intelligence Service (MI6), the details of which will be released in the future.