Iran for forging unity to thwart terror threats

BSS, Dhaka :
Islamic Republic of Iran on Monday strongly denounced the terrorist attack in a cafe in the city’s Gulshan area on Friday and called upon international community to come together to thwart the threats.
“The terrorist move proves that terrorism has no boundaries jeopardizing the international peace and security regardless of nationality, religion and geographical location requiring collective contribution,” said Iran Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qasemi. In a press statement, he called upon international community to listen to the peace seeking voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the serious campaign against terrorism and extremism.

“This dreadful crime once again revealed the real image of terrorism and helplessness of the defenceless people,” he said condemning the terrorist attacks in Dhaka.
Describing the inhuman carnage is “very painful”, he expressed condolence to the Bangladeshi nation and government and sympathized with the families who lost their loved ones during the attacks.
In this connection, he said adopting double-standard policies in dealing with such heinous crimes will destabilize the region and disrupt the international peace and security.
“All peace-loving countries in the world should put mounting pressures on supporters of such extremist groups to help lessen the anti-human crimes,” he added.
