Iran could resume nuclear activities if West withdraws: Zarif

AP, Iran :
 Iran’s foreign minister said Saturday that Tehran would be able to return to its nuclear activities if the West withdraws from a pact that is to be finalized in June.
Mohammad Javad Zarif, Iran’s foreign minister and chief nuclear negotiator, said on a talk show on state-run TV that Iran has the power to take “corresponding action” and “will be able to return” its nuclear program to the same level if the other side fails to honor the agreement.
“All parties to the agreement can stop their actions (fulfillment of their commitments) in case of violation of the agreement by the other party,” Zarif said.
Zarif said the framework nuclear deal announced by Iran and six world powers Thursday in Switzerland was not binding until a final agreement is worked out by a June 30 deadline. The framework agreement, if finalized, would cut significantly into Iran’s bomb-capable nuclear technology while giving Tehran quick access to bank accounts, oil markets and other financial assets blocked by international sanctions. Zarif said the deal, if finalized, would nullify all U.N. Security Council
resolutions against Iran’s nuclear program and lead to the lifting of U.S. and European Union sanctions.
Zarif’s remarks appear aimed at reassuring hardliners in Iran who strongly oppose the framework agreement as a good deal for the West and disaster for Iran.
Despite criticism by hardliners, the deal has been overwhelmingly backed by Iran’s establishment, including President Hassan Rouhani who pledged in a speech to the nation on Friday that Iran will abide by its commitments under the nuclear deal.
Zarif said Iran is “committed” to implementing its part of any final agreement providing Western countries fulfill their promises. He said Iran wants to have a “moderate, constructive and proud presence” in the world.