‘Iodine deficiency plays havoc with human body’


Proper consumption of Vitamin A enriched edible food and iodised salt is very important to enhance disease resistance power in human body for keeping safe the public health from various diseases. Health experts said lack of Vitamin A and non-iodised salt in the human body causes many diseases including night blindness and increases the risk of death among infants.
They said iodine deficiency results in a goiter, a swelling of the neck resulting from enlargement of the thyroid gland, and causes intellectual disability. The number of goiter patients is also increasing alarmingly due to iodine deficiency.
A recent survey reveled that the number of disabled people has also increased owing to iodine deficiency that hamper their physical and mental growth.
On an average, the daily intake of iodine for an adult should be 150 microgram, but this could not be procured from water and soil, the main sources of iodine, the report said. Excess rainfall and flood water wash away iodine every year.
To meet the deficit of iodine in human body, the government enacted a law in 1994 for producing, selling and using iodized salt. But with a view to gaining windfall profit, a section of unscrupulous traders are engaged in selling non-iodized salt showing disregard to the existing rules and regulations.
People alleged that the businessmen are selling the non-iodized salt in colourful packets labeling it as iodized salt. Poor people, unaware of benefits of iodine, are using the sub-standard salt, said a doctor. Professor Shah Azam Shantunu said deficiency of Vitamin A reduces disease resistant capacity and causes night blindness and other illnesses and increases risk of infant deaths while iodine deficiency causes goiter, physical and intellectual disabilities.
Narrating necessity of Vitamin A and iodine in human body, he called upon everyone to be aware and come forward with a positive attitude to inspire the common people for consumption of iodized salt and edible oil fortified with Vitamin A.
He put importance on launching comprehensive efforts of all stakeholders to create mass public awareness for ensuring intake of iodised salt and Vitamin A enriched edible oil by the common people to build a healthier nation.
