Investment proposals hike in Q4’21


Economic Reporter :
Investment proposals in the last quarter (October-December) of 2021 increased by Tk41,292 crore, or 175.23%, compared to the same period of 2020.
However, the value of foreign investment proposals fell by 17.20% in the period, as per data from Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA).
BIDA data showed that the proposals for foreign investments in the last quarter of last year declined to Tk5,009 crore from Tk6,050 crore in the same period of 2020.
In the same quarter, BIDA received proposals for investing a total of Tk64,856 crore for 380 local and foreign companies.
The proposed amount was Tk23,563 crore for 365 industrial units in the October-December quarter in 2020.
According to BIDA, the highest number of local investment proposals came for the service sector followed by chemical, textiles and agricultural industries.
Regarding overseas investment, the service sector also received the highest proposals followed by chemicals, engineering and textile industries.
BIDA’S data also said that the investment proposals from local and foreign companies would create a total of 53,964 jobs in the newly 380 registered industrial units.
