Int’l ‘Startup Idea for Fund’ contest at DIU

Campus Report :
International Startup Idea for Fund competition for Startups was inaugurated at Daffodil International University (DIU) organized by Department of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (DIE) at its permanent campus at Ashulia in Dhaka.
Dr Jonathan Ortmans, Founder & President of Global Entrepreneurship Network (GEN) of United States was present as the chief guest at the Inaugural Ceremony. This enigmatic figure launched the most awaited competition Startup Idea for Fund recently. Dr Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman, Board of Trustees, DIU presided over the ceremony. A good number of distinguished guests from home and abroad were also present.
Dr Ortmans delivered the keynote address – focusing on entrepreneurship and mobilizing the youth to promote economic development. He said that Bangladesh is now a country of the youth. He hoped Bangladesh will be changed through the energy of this youth. It is an upcoming country with a serious entrepreneurial mindset and a fine destination for the investors and high innovation centric businesses.
DIU always encourages students to become an innovator and entrepreneurs. Before completing the graduation, the students are taught and mentored not to be a job seeker but to create employment for others. With this motto to develop entrepreneurial ecosystem, DIU organized the startup idea competition named “Startup Idea for Fund” to support innovative ideas and create an entrepreneurial platform where students are provided with fund, incubation, office space, business networking, mentoring, and legal support, etc. All these initiatives will create an entrepreneurial environment for students to develop their entrepreneurial leadership skills in line with moving towards the vision of Digital Bangladesh.