Int’l conspirators of Aug 15 tragedy still active: Asad

UNB, Chattogram :
Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal on Sunday said everybody knows about how an international conspiracy was behind the massacre of August 15, 1975 and the perpetrators are still active.
Speaking as the chief guest at a discussion session on National Mourning Day organised by the district Awami League’s south

chapter, he also said foreigners have questioned the nation’s credibility as their own people were behind the assassination of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. He said the people of Bangladesh had rightfully elected Bangabandhu’s daughter, Sheikh Hasina, in 1996 to steer the nation after 20 years of wait.
As a result, the minister said, a country which was ranked first as the most corrupt for five consecutive years is now a self-dependent and safe country. Special guest and State Minister for Land Saifuzzaman Chowdhury Javed said the upcoming general election will be more significant than all the previous ones and urged all the party workers to unite in reelecting Sheikh
Hasina as the Prime Minister.
