Int’l community urged to end Rohingya crisis for BD’s dev efforts


Staff Reporter :
Dhaka has urged int’l help to resolve Rohingya crisis to enable Bangladesh to carry on its development efforts.
“This crisis must be resolved so that we can carry forward our development,” said Permanent Representative (PR) of Bangladesh to the UN Masud Bin Momen in New York, according to a message received on Thursday.
Ambassador Masud made the remarks while delivering his speech at the general debate of the second committee of the 74th session of the UNGA in New York recently.
The second committee of the UNGA deals economic and financial issues relating primarily to development.
On Wednesday, UN Resident Coordinator in Dhaka Mia Seppo recognised the international community’s “collective failure” to influence Myanmar and find a durable solution to the Rohingya crisis.
She said that the UN has been able to keep continuous attention on the crisis, bring together member states for conversation about the crisis and make some progress on accountability issues on human rights violations.
Ambassador Masud said that stronger global partnership must be forged to address challenges that hinder development, specially the success of 2030 Agenda.
“The developing countries must be provided more support through, inter alia, ODA, trade, FDI, and technology transfer, “he said.
He said that they must be able to fully harness the potential of the South-South Cooperation as a complement to North-South Cooperation.
Ambassador Masud enumerated key features of Bangladesh’s development trajectory including poverty eradication, sustainable growth, protection of the environment and human resources development.
Mentioning the success of Digital Bangladesh, the PR said, the government is investing in human capital through equal access to technology and has set up 5800 digital centers which are providing 600 e-public services to people’s doorsteps.
He also reiterated Bangladesh’s aspiration to become a Middle-Income Country by 2021 and a developed country by 2041.
