Int’l community needs to foster LDCs’ growth: Tofail


UNB, Dhaka :Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed has observed that the international community needs to recognise and emphasise the role of international trade in fostering transformative growth in LDCs (least developed countries), including Bangladesh.He said the post-Bali work programme and ultimate conclusion of the Doha Development Round can provide trade facilitating environment and tradeopportunities for LDCs only if the Post-2015 Development Agenda strengthens the capacities of LDCs to gainfully avail these opportunities and hence reduce their vulnerabilities to external shocks.The Commerce Minister was speaking at the second Geneva dialogue titled ‘From Bali to the Post 2015 Development Agenda: LDCs perspective’ in Geneva on Friday, said a Commerce Ministry media note.Tofail said LDCs have enormous potential in terms of both human and natural resources that can be harnessed for world economic growth and development.”In achieving sustainable development goals for the coming decade, we must ensure that attainment of social objectives do not come at the expense of economic objectives/priorities,” he added.
