Int’l Albinism Awareness Day Wednesday


Speaking ahead of International Albinism Awareness Day on Wednesday, independent expert on the enjoyment of human rights by persons with albinism, Ikponwosa Ero has taken stock of progress under the theme of the Day, “Shining our light to the world”.
“While we celebrate, we take a moment to reflect on those who have been attacked and lost their lives or were mutilated because they have albinism. I am heartened by the commitment to putting these atrocities to an end. Indeed the battle continues, but we are gaining ground,” Ero said. In light of the fundamental pledge made in 2015 by all member states of the United Nations to leave no one behind, starting with the furthest behind first, it is essential for all stakeholders to support persons with albinism in their quest for the enjoyment of their human rights.
