Intervention is necessary, mere resolution will not be heeded

THE UN Security Council on Wednesday expressed grave concern about excessive military force used by Myanmar military during its security operation in Rakhine State and called for immediate measures to end the violence. Moreover, it also called for a de-escalation of the situation, reestablishment of law and order, protection of civilians and a resolution of the refugee problem.
Now it’s up to Myanmar to respond. As it appears the council adopted the resolution this time unanimously and China and Russia did not try to block it unlike in the previous occasion in August this year as the world opinion has become vocal by this time to stop the genocide. Over four lakhs refugees half of them children are now struggling for food and shelter in temporary shelter and under open sky. It is indeed unbearable.
We appreciate their position for positively responding to mitigate the inhuman plight of Rohingyas being burned and butchered out of their land by the Myanmar military. The world will also watch the role of India now how it will use its influence to help end the crisis sidetracking petty business interest.
The statement by 27 global imminent citizens including 12 Nobel Laureates calling upon the UNSC to intervene immediately to end the humanitarian crisis coinciding the council meeting has also come as a victory to the cause of helpless Rohingya Muslims. In yet another call the UN Secretary General Antonio Gueteres Wednesday has asked the Myanmar government to halt military operation and stop ethnic cleansing of Rohingya minorities. As conscious keepers of human values they have spoken the mind of each and every peace-loving people in the world who believe in racial harmony and coexistence of people of all faith in the society.
Persecuting a helpless minority community in any country is a serious crime against humanity and none should attempt to directly or indirectly justify it by evading moral obligations. We believe it is time for China, Russia and India to review their policies as far as it goes to protect Rohingyas in their land from the persecution of Myanmar military. Each one may have their interest but it should not any way compromise the existence of the people facing extermination by brutal use of force.
Meanwhile the call from various human rights groups upon the Security Council to step up pressure on Myanmar authorities to stop violence and allow access of humanitarian assistance to unprotected Rohingyas inside Rakhine State deserves urgent consideration.
In our view Ms Suu Kyi’s decision to skip attending the UN General Assembly meeting this month to avoid global pressure to rein in her military is not a way out for her to face the issue. It is a shame on her that she is trying to shield racial extermination policy. It is not that she is helpless she herself believes in racial purity. She deceived the whole world as a conscience of the world for humanity. Direct intervention will be necessary to stop the brutality of Myanmar army.  
