Interns on strike at SMCMH for demanding security

Staff Reporter :
Intern physicians of Sir Salimullah Medical College and Mitford Hospital (SMCMH) went on a wildcat strike on Sunday demanding doctors’ security.
The intern started their strike on Sunday morning in protest against the physical assault on a physician by the relatives of a patient on Saturday.
The interns said attack on a physician compelled them to go to protest.
Patients and their attendants were suffering a lot as the strike was on.
More than 180 intern doctors went on indefinite strike since 9:00am on Sunday to realise their seven-point demands including doctors’ safety.
The demonstrators also held a human chain on the hospital premises around 11am.
Relatives of a patient walloped Assistant Registrar Amzad Hossain of Medicine Unit-7 of the hospital around 11am on Saturday in an altercation when they were demanding a seat for their patient although there was no room at that time, the interns said.
Intern physician Waliuzzaman said their movement was not against patients or their attendants, but against the hospital administration who failed to ensure the doctors’ safety.

The hospital Director (admin) Brigadier General Bryan B Halder said, ‘We have manpower crisis now and it is not possible at this moment to strengthen security.’
 “We asked to different departments to resolve the manpower crisis.”
