International Relations of Kuwait

His Highness Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, Prime Minister of the State of Kuwait
His Highness Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, Prime Minister of the State of Kuwait
The State of Kuwait is strategically located in the north-east corner of the Arabian Peninsula, bordered by Iraq to the north and Saudi Arabia to the south and west. The Arabian Gulf shares as the maritime border with Iran.
Kuwait’s foreign policy is molded by three core factors: One is its unique location in the region. The second is its rich endowment of oil resource and the third is its principle of sharing its economic wealth in promoting peace and stability in the world.
Regionally, Kuwait has a unique foreign policy that is based on the principles of respecting territorial integrity of all nations and non-interference in the affairs of other States. This stance of neutrality and the pursuit of global peace and stability are driven by two tools of foreign policy: economic and mediation. These two tools have been deftly used to pursue the egalitarian policy of the State of Kuwait.
Kuwait believes that promoting peace and cooperation among the nations and peoples of the world is not only inherent in the Arab and Muslim character but it is also a pragmatic approach for geopolitical reasons.
Since its independence in 1961, Kuwait has maintained strong relations with most countries, especially nations within the Arab World.
The cardinal principle on which the foreign policy of the State of Kuwait is based had been enunciated by the late Amir of the State of Kuwait, Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah when he declared that “Kuwait lives under the protection of Islam as its religion, Arabism as its homeland, cooperation as its strategic path, tolerance as its motto, fraternity as its guidance, constitution as its modus operandi, justice as its rule, progress as its responsibility and peace as its goal”.
The Amir of the State of Kuwait, His Highness Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, the architect of Kuwait’ foreign policy, outlined the salient features of Kuwait’s foreign policy when he asserted that the thrust of Kuwait’s diplomacy is to cooperate with all countries to maintain world security and stability as well as reach sustainable development of societies. In this aspect, Kuwait endeavors to promote peace among nations and enter into partnerships with different countries. At the same time, Kuwait’s foreign policy is concerned with safeguarding her independence and sovereignty.
Kuwait’s diplomacy is intertwined with the lofty principles of respect and adherence to the rule of law, respect for the territorial integrity and legitimacy of all nations, a strong belief in non-interference in the affairs of other countries and a strong stance in favour of truth and justice. His Highness the Amir, Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah asserted that the pursuit of Kuwait’s diplomacy is the first line of defence of the State’s security and interests. In the context of geopolitical realities and the emergence of a new world order, Kuwait strives to build a bridge of friendly cooperation with all countries with the goal of establishing lasting peace and stability. In its endeavor to achieve this objective, Kuwait strongly advocates the use of peaceful means in resolving all contentious issues between States in accordance with the principles of right and justice and international legitimacy. It is from this principled stand, emanates Kuwait’s vision of a new world order free from coercion, strife and hatred, free from poverty and degeneration. His Highness Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah asserted that Kuwait’s diplomacy succeeded in maneuvering through joyful and sorrowful circumstances. This diplomacy is based on a conviction of peace and cooperation with all countries.
In harmony with its principles and vision, Kuwait has been using the wealth it has been endowed with, in the welfare of humanity. Kuwait’s unrestrained initiative in reaching out to countries and peoples with its humanitarian support has earned wide recognition and appreciation. Kuwait and His Highness the Amir have been described as leader of humanitarian work.
As an ardent advocate of peace and stability, Kuwait has for over four decades, been playing the role of a mediator between countries engaged in disputes and conflicts. The systematic approach of Kuwait’s financial capabilities, the sagacity of the Kuwaiti leadership and the practicality as well as the practicability of Kuwait’s strategic perspective imbued Kuwait with the skill, perception and credibility to play the role of a mediator in regional conflicts. This role in itself has enhanced the credibility of Kuwait as an important stakeholder in Arab politics. Kuwait’s mediating role under its astute leadership has been demonstrated time and again particularly in the Middle East. Its role in resolving the dispute between the Republicans and the Royalists in Yemen in the mid 60s, the dispute between Iran and Bahrain in 1968, the dispute between Bangladesh and Pakistan in 1974 that paved the way for Bangladesh to join the First OIC Summit in Pakistan in 1974, dispute between Oman and Yemen in 1984 and in the dispute between Qatar and Saudi Arabia and the UAE.