International Civil Service Day — the Bangladesh context


Dr. Forqan Uddin Ahmed :
Public service is meant to render services towards people of a particular territory which are fixed and given from govt. side. The general assembly of UN has declared 23rd June to observe International Public service day by a resolution accepted in 2002. In the same resolution the capacity initiative has been emphasized in order to institution building, human resource development, strengthening budgetary system and utilization of ICT. International Public service day has been targeted to materialize the four objectives. The objectives focus to importance on public administration and its value. Secondly, it aims to the contribution and role of administrations for development purpose. The third focus is to ensure the recognition of the public servants. And finally, it aims to promote interest in public service by the youths. In this day, the public service is highlighted through special arrangements by seminar and symposium by which the member states are highly inspired. This year, the message of the Public Service Day has been taken as ‘Transforming governance to realize the sustainable development goals’. Govt. is committed to ensure good governance and to develop the life style of people’s service delivery and public service has become part and parcel of good governance. The different ministries and departments are continuing their multiple efforts for its gradual development. On the other hand govt. is also committed to achieve SDGs within the time period. With this end in view, all the govt. functionaries aim to timely performance under a specific plan and propositions. In conformity with the objectives of the public service day, Bangladesh too observes the day since 2017. In our country, the day is observed on 23rd July instead of 23rd June. Meanwhile the formal public service medal giving ceremony is being introduced to inspire the creativity and to speed up the targeted goal of development.
In this sub-continent, the modern public service administration started its journey from colonial rule but in the context of changed situation, it’s structures and characters have been rapidly changed with the end of the colonial regime and achieving independence through liberation war, the state and people’s relationship turns to a complete paradigm shift which has also influenced the changes in public administration. After independence, the father of the nation said, “The govt. servant should be treated as part and parcel of people, again they are to be treated as their service provider friends and brothers. They must be with the people, for the people, by the people. They are supposed to work with positive mindset.” By the instruction from nations father it has been embedded in clause 21 of constitution that the every govt. servant who are employed must discharge the duty for 24 hours. It is noted that, recently the changes in public administrations are very wide and remarkable which are also positive in nature. Modern public administration is mainly based on merit, creativity, patriotism and motto of service. This motto of citizen must be given the top most priority. For this reason, the govt services are now out and out dedicated to ensure citizen service and solving the problems.
The use of ICT has become a milestone and contributing a very catalytic role in providing the people’s service. Many imperative measures have been taken with less time and less expenditure. The young officers are doing the promising services in the field level and implementing those with new ideas and conceptions. Since a decade, many remarkable steps have been taken for transparency, accountability and responsibility. Through information rights and its implementation people are easily getting any information. To render better service and to draw the real attention “the grievance redress system” has been introduced. As a result, people’s sentiment and confidence have been increased towards govt.
To implement the culture of purity and honesty in all national life the culture of ethical traits in all govt jobs are playing a very vital role for increasing transparency and accountability. In order to accelerate result from process and to give foundation of evolution process govt. has introduced performance management system since 2014. Under this system the “annual performance agreement” is inspiring the govt. servants towards maximum output. In different sectors, the video conferencing analysis co-ordination, decision taking, instructional supports all are now easy accesses to the govt. servants. The govt. servants through social media are directly link with public servants. A country can overcome all the hurdles and will be able to attain the sustainable development goal.
All sorts of exchanges, interactions and sharing are mutually transmitted. In modern state, public administration is playing the role of policy formulation and its implementation. In the midst of many challenges and limited resources, there are many requirements which need to be fulfilled by the effective and efficient public administration. In the process of paradigm shift of new economy, there are risks and vulnerabilities for Bangladesh.
Both are of intensive in nature. On the other hand globalization, democratic practice and expansion of media and pluralism in society are flourishing worldwide and consequently citizens right and service demand are gradually increasing. In this situation, to implement the theme of public service day, the public servants must be responsible and they must be pro-active to face any difficulty.
Moreover they are to be quick responsive and proceed with all arrangements and preparation for achieving success. Nowadays public administration is highlighted with all its comprehensive efforts for the betterment of general people. The public servants with the sense of their generosity and patriotism must come forward for achieving excellence. They will create the roadmap for fulfilling the hopes and aspiration of people and lead the country to the rank of development. If public servants are cordial and sincere, they have the sense of dedication only then the message of the day will be materialized and successful. Recently, the graduation of Bangladesh to a developing country has been recognized by UNESCO.
The result of this recognition is a subject to condition how far our public administration will create the avenue on technical and specialization training. In this regard training always is playing a very significant role. Along with the training our mindset of officers must be changed. With this end in view, the necessary infrastructural facilities are increasing. Only by quality performance of the public servants a country can overcome the hurdles and will be able to attain the sustainable development goal. The contribution of our public servant will make this journey of development a success.
