International call rates cut

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Bangladesh’s telecommunication regulatory authority has cut international incoming call termination rates and re-fixed the structure of revenue-sharing among stakeholders.
The Systems and Services Division of Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BRTC) issued a notice to this effect on Thursday.
It says the lowest international incoming call termination rate per minute has been reduced to $0.015 from $0.03.
It says the BTRC will receive 40 percent of the revenue generated from call termination, while the international gateway (IGW) agencies will get 20 percent, interconnection exchanges (ICX) 17.5 percent and client’s operator or access network service (ANS) 22.5 percent.
Before the new sharing slabs, the BRTC used to get 51.75 percent, IGW 13.25 percent, ICX 15 percent and ANS 20 percent.
Every overseas call reaches telecom operator through IGW and ANS.
The BTRC notice says the ‘revenue sharing model’ is temporary and will remain in force for six months on test basis.
