Burka in Germany: Interior Minister calls for curbs

BBC Online :
The German Interior Minister, Thomas de Maiziere, has called for a partial ban on the burka, a day after saying a full ban might not be constitutional.
He said the burka did not fit in with Germany’s open society and showing the face was essential to social cohesion. “We call on everyone to show their face,” he said. The proposal would prevent anyone from wearing the veil in schools, universities, nurseries, public offices or while driving. It requires parliamentary approval to become law. Chancellor
Angela Merkel’s governing coalition has been divided over the issue after several attacks in Germany claimed by so-called Islamic State (IS) and amid record numbers of Muslim asylum seekers. “We reject the full veil – not just the burka but the other forms of full veil where only the eyes are visible,” said Mr de Maiziere. “It doesn’t fit in with our open society. Showing the face is a constituent element for our communication, the way we live, our social cohesion. That is why we call on everyone to show their face.” He added: “Whoever wants to work in public service cannot do so while wearing the full veil.”