Interfaith discourse to maintain communal harmony emphasized


Speakers stressed for more interfaith dialogues and intensified campaign for maintaining communal harmony in the society.
They viewed that more initiatives should be taken for arranging interfaith dialogues.
Divisional office of Islamic Foundation (IF), Rajshahi organised the discussion titled “Communal Harmony and Present Context” at its seminar hall yesterday.
Deputy Commissioner of Rajshahi Kazi Ashraf Uddin addressed the discussion as chief guest with IF Divisional Director Mahbub Alam in the chair.
Assistant Superintendent of Police Abdur Rashid, Deputy Director of IF Saiful Islam and Deputy Director of Imam Training Academy Monirul Islam also spoke.
Imam of Rajshahi College Central Mosque Mawlana Maksud Ullah, Local unit general secretary of Bangladesh Hindu, Buddhists and Christian Oikya Parisahd
Shyamal Kumar Ghosh and Reverend Patrick Gomez from Mundumala Catholic Mission highlighted the importance of maintaining communal harmony.
Chief Guest Kazi Ashraf Uddin focused on the importance of interfaith dialogue in the light of Islam. He said “Islam completely disallows extremism and attacks on other religions. He said the lifestyle and philosophy of
Islamic saints showed the path of harmony among followers of different faiths.
He underlined the need for organizing and promoting extensive interfaith dialogues with a stronger approach at regional and national levels to create a strong public opinion in favour of peaceful religious practices.
IF Director Mahbub Alam said the present government has been working relentlessly for establishing communal harmony in the society to make the society free from all sorts of violence.
