Integrated technical cooperation to expand RE


State Minister for Power, Energy and Mineral Resources Nasrul Hamid has said integrated technical and financial cooperation will contribute a lot in expanding renewable energy massively.
“Developed countries’ cooperation is needed in evaluation of renewable energy resources. And it is necessary to increase the capacity of public and private sectors,” he said this on Tuesday while speaking at a side event on “Clean Power and Green Grids” after inauguration of the Third Ministerial Meeting of the COP26 Energy Transition council (CoP26 ETC)” .
Nasrul Hamid joined the ministerial meeting virtually and said Bangladesh wants to work in unison with all to promote clean energy, as coal use in power generation is reducing.
“Meanwhile, Bangladesh government has cancelled 10-coalfired power plants having 8,451 MW generation capacity. Technology requires less use of land for solar power,” he said.
The state minister said desired results could be achieved with technical and financial support of experienced countries and the Energy Transition Council to get quality electricity by mapping offshore wind and marine fuels.
He further said that research for waste power, wind power and ocean energy by the Energy Transition Council will be welcomed. “If we get initial investment, huge quantity of electricity will be added to the national grid. At least a project can be taken on a pilot basis,” Nasrul Hamid added.
One of the main goals of the COP26 Energy Transition Council (COP26 ETC) is to accelerate energy transitions by uniting global leadership, and facilitating financing for clean energy.
The ETC focus countries are – Bangladesh, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Laos, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Vietnam and South Africa.
Chaired by Damilola Ogunbiyi, Vice-President of CoP26ETC, function was attended by, among others, Indonesian Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Arifin Tasrif, Egypt’s Minister of Power and Renewable Energy Dr Mohamed Shaker El-Markabi, Nigerian State for Power Goddy Jedy Agba, Laos’s Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Dr Sinava Souphanouvong and delegates from India, Kenya, Pakistan, Philippines, South Africa, Morocco and Vietnam.
