Inhuman politics has created society we are living in


THE husband of a rape victim came under acid attack in Noakhali’s Subarnachar on Monday hours after he took part in a human chain organised to protest the persecution on his wife. The injured Nasir Uddin, 45, of Char Bagga village in Subarnachar was rushed to Noakhali General Hospital. Newspaper reports said the injured had taken part in the human chain in Maijdee area of Noakhali city Sunday morning and returned to his Subarnachar house. Later at night, a group of miscreants hurled acid on Nasir. On May 2, Nasir filed a case with a court accusing one Joynal of raping his wife. Since then Nasir’s family and other witnesses in the case have been receiving threats.
In another incident, a mother of two has first been gang-raped at her home and then tortured at a local arbitration in Dinajpur’s Biral upazila. The victim, housewife of a local Brahmin, was raped by 37-year-old Sumon Ali, of the District’s Sadar upazila, on Friday. Sumon’s parents on Sunday called a local arbitration, termed the victim characterless and tortured her in public. Newspapers reported quoting the victim’s family members and locals that the victim was staying alone at her home, which is located in an isolated area of Biral upazila, as all her family members went to celebrating Janmashtami. Taking the chance, Sumon intruded into her home and raped the woman. In the arbitration, Sumon’s father Montaz Ali beat up the woman in public and broke one of her hands.
With these two incidents, we can get a clear picture of law and order situation in the country. Not only in Noakhali and Dinajpur, but also every district is virtually ruled by the criminals. The immoral, biased and politicized local administration and police have no capability and ethical strength to stop such crimes. We see, people have no right even to complain about rape and sexual harassment of their wives and other family members. In Noakhali’s Subarnachar incident, police from the beginning was informed that a criminal group backed by ruling party men is mainly involved. Besides, police didn’t take any step against illegal arbitration in Dinajpur where the rape victim was tortured for the second time. What a society we are living in!
