Industry award to mark ‘Mujib Year’ planned


Economic Reporter :
Industries Ministry is going to introduce industry award, titled “Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Industry Award” marking the celebration of the birth centenary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Industries Minister Nurul Majid Mahmud Humayun on Tuesday revealed the information at a press conference at the Industries Ministry conference room in the city.
Humayun said the award will be given in seven categories – large, medium, small, cottage, micro, handicrafts and hi-tech industry.
First prize winner will get Taka 3 lakh cash, 25 grams of gold-plated crest and a replica while the second prize will be cash Taka 2 lakh, 20 grams of gold-plated crest and a replica and 3rd prize will be cash Taka one lakh and 15 grams of gold-plated crest and a replica, he added.
He informed that Industries Ministry has already called application for this award and the application form is now available on the ministry website.
The industries minister said a national seminar will be organised on “Industrial Thinking of Bangabandhu” for giving people a clear concept about the development plans and initiatives of the Father of the Nation for the industrial sector.
He said Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation (BCIC) will make a documentary based on the development plan of the present government.
He informed that Bangladesh Sugar and Food Industries Corporation (BSFIC) will set up murals of Bangabandhu on its premises and all of its subordinate mills or entities.
