Industrial waste destroys Narsingdi Rivers

UNB, Narsingdi :
Industrial chemicals and wastes have destroyed most of the rivers including Shitalakhkha, Brahmaputra and Harikhola Rivers in the district, inflicting acute damage on the entire ecosystem of the locality.
Locals informed that at least one-third of the country’s total apparel demand is met by the factories of the district while several other fully export-oriented industries are also situated there.
But to reduce production cost, the locals alleged, most of the factories dodged the mandatory provision of setting up Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP), destroying the ecosystem of the district’s rivers and severely affecting its environment.
They said keeping pace with the speed of industrialisation, the water pollution and destruction of wildlife are also escalating. The number of locals suffering from various waterborne diseases including asthma and skin problems is also increasing at an alarming rate among people living on the river banks.
Municipality mayor Kamruzzaman said people cannot walk on the river banks due to the unbearable stench of chemical waste and influential industrialists have almost destroyed the Brahmaputra River building factories on both of its banks.
“The river has turned into a narrow drain through which factory and chemical wastages flow into the Meghna River. As a result fishes of Meghna are also being extinguished,” the mayor added.
He also said although saving the country’s rivers stopping further pollution is a main agenda of the ruling government, the department of environment has remained silent since long, and failed to find out the causes behind the pollution of Narshingdi’s rivers.